If you are interested in starting a therapy or coaching process with me, or you want to book a shamanic session or a bundle of several sessions, you can book directly via the BOOKING BUTTONS on this website or you can write me an Email to mail@jasminschott.de to arrange a session.
In the booking process I will ask you to send me 1-2 sentences which describe why you are looking for support. This way I will get a first idea if I am the right therapist/ coach for you or not.
If it fits, we arrange a first session of 55 minutes. I don`t offer free preliminary talks. The first meeting is already a normal session.
I have a 48 hours cancellation policy, e.g. I will charge the full price for a session if you cancel it shorter than with a 48h notice.
No. I have a private practice and all of my therapy clients do private pay. I don’t work with state nor with private insurances.
Therapy session: 55minutes, 120€
Coaching session ONLINE: 55 minutes, 150€ + 19% tax (German invoice)
Coaching session IN PERSON: 55 minutes, 120€ + 23% tax (Portuguese invoice)
Shamanic Healing session: 55 minutes, 222€
Couples Counselling: 55 minutes session 140€
I have a 48 hours cancellation policy, e.g. I will charge the full price for a session if you cancel it shorter than with a 48h notice.
Of course, I am very happy to answer your questions! Just send me an Email: jasmin.schott@t-online.de
Gestalt therapy is one form of psychotherapy belonging to the field of humanistic and holistic therapy methods.
The focus of the therapeutic sessions is on your experiences and perception in the here and now - on your worries and burdens as well as on what strengthens and supports you. We talk about your past experiences and your fantasies about the future when they are significant for your situation today.
By Gestalt therapy, you can improve your awareness of your own wishes and needs and learn how to express them in contact with others. The aim is not to become a different person, rather to find your own way and live your life accordingly.
Gestalt therapy has nothing to do with art therapy and you don`t have to do anything “creative” – unless you wish to ;)
Assuming your willingness and wish for it I will support you improving your perception of yourself, of your body, mind and soul, of your situation and your environment and accompany you through a process of learning how to distinguish between what is good for you and what harms you. Together we will search for your personal potential, your skills and resources which also leads to a better understanding of your limits.
We will also explore stored trauma energy and release the stress energy caused by traumatic experiences if you wish for it.
I am interested in you, your story, emotions, thoughts and body sensations and I do not principally work with a diagnosis to put you in any kind of psychological category. I work and speak with you, the person sitting next to me - and more important: we work together. Moreover, I have not a finished scheme or programme that I use for each client, I rather structure the sessions individually and together with you. Everyone is different and needs something different.
I respect the fact that you know best about your conditions. You are the expert for yourself and I have no intention to change you. In fact I will accompany you exploring new paths in life or finding a good way of dealing with the established route.
I am specialized in somatic therapy, somatic coaching, mindfulness training, body and energy work therapy and somatic trauma therapy.
I have 15 years of experience as a therapist and was before working as a marketing consultant for BMW Headquarters.
Working as a consultant for a major corporation in Munich, Germany about 17 years ago, provided me with some great life experience in what corporate life really means. I know about the pressure people are exposed to in order to provide excellent results on a daily basis and I know about the feelings this can lead to: being burnt out or constant agitation, psychosomatic symptoms like a bad sleep quality, chronic pain or exhaustion, not finding the inspiration within yourself any more with which you once started your job, or maybe also deeply questioning yourself and your life in terms of "Does this all still make any sense?".
The professional topic is only one where I can support you within our coaching sessions. Very common questions which lead people to book coaching sessions with me are also.
How can I find time and space to live fulfilled relationships without just pleasing the needs of others?
How can I get out of unhealthy fighting or arguing habits with my beloved ones?
How staying physically and mentally healthy without having to stick to perfectionistic rules and boring diets?
How can I make sense of symptoms my body shows me?
And how do I deal with crisis to not just overcome them but feel grown and even stronger afterwards?
I found some good answers to all of this from my own experience and from working with clients for the last 13+ years on those topics and I would love to share it with you as well as to discover how to implement healthy and fulfilling habits in your life!
Shamanism is the art of purposefully directing energy for the good of all sensing beings. It`s the art of perceiving in an extended way - compared to the way we normally perceive our lives during daily life. And it`s the art of healing in harmony with the power and support of nature.
Very practically this means, that a person who is trained in shamanic healing, can support you to direct your energy on the right track again and to bring harmony in those areas of your life where it got out of balance, is blocked or where you experience lack, crisis, not enough love, health, wealth or happiness.
Our energy, mainly expressed and represented by the state of our chakras and our aura, is the first level on which some kind of imbalance or trauma can manifest. You can SENSE a person`s energy - all of us can do this, we do not need a specific training. We feel it in the presence of someone - if this person is in harmony with herself, is rooted and stable as well as flexible and creative, lives her power and enjoys life, meets others with an open heart, speaks her truth, is perceived as authentic and is connected to her intuition and maybe even to a higher guidance. All of those aspects (and more) represent the energy of a person which in total is then experienced as a harmonious self.
The second level is the level of the wellbeing of our soul, the emotional-psychological level where we might express the imbalance in our system via emotions like feeling depressed, anxious, insecure, doubtful, angry, empty, sad ...
The third level is the level of our thoughts, the mental level. This is where we start to struggle with focus or where we have self-destructive or self-sabotaging thoughts. This is also the level where we can`t stop worrying about stuff and with all those worries sooner or later manifest more and more crisis in our lives because we are trapped in a downward spiral of negative thoughts which also then often lead to harmful actions.
The last instance on which problems and diseases actually manifest is, as mentioned above: the physical level. This is where we have overheard all the other signs on the energetic, emotional and mental level so that our system does not have any other choice but to show us via a hurtful experience of our body, that we finally have to listen and check what is necessary now to get back into balance and to heal.
And how do we heal? Well, first of all, by creating SPACE FOR JUST BEING. With space for being, healing can take place. As a shamanic healer I will hold this space for you to be fully yourself during our session and together, we will create a space for your healing.
* I expressly point out that a shamanic treatment or the participation in a shamanic workshop in no way replaces a visit to a doctor, medical, psychotherapeutic or other healing treatment and diagnostic analysis. Shamanic work is a spiritual healing process and a process of consciousness. Prescribed medication must never be discontinued or taken in any other way than prescribed without consulting the attending doctor. The shaman works with blocked energies in the human energy system and does not make any promises of healing. It is not a medical practice according to the general law.
As a clinical psychologist and therapist I am allowed to offer psychotherapeutic treatments according to the general law within therapy sessions.
A shamanic treatment can be done remote or in person. The remote treatment will have the same effects as the in person one.
The shamanic treatment is divided into 3 parts:
1) Preliminary talk
During the first part we speak about the topics or problems which made you see me. For this part it is important that you already thought about the 1 to 3 main areas in your life which you struggle most with.
I will first listen and then ask you questions about it so that I can see what to look for during the shamanic treatment.
2) Shamanic treatment
For the next about 30 minutes you will lie down on your back and just try to relax and if possible go into a meditative state while I do the shamanic work reading the energies of your chakras and aura and giving your energy system impulses to losen up blocked energies.
3) Follow-up talk
After the shamanic treatment we will have a follow-up talk where we speak about what you experienced during the session and I will tell you what I sensed, saw and did during the shamanic journey.
We will arrange a maximum of 3 shamanic sessions but it can be that already after the first session the problems you brought clear and dissolve.
Please be aware that a shamanic treatment is completely different than a psychotherapy session* - as I explained above, working with your energy takes hold of a completely different level, this is why it sometimes has much quicker and deeper effects.
I also offer shamanic sessions in combination with somatic sessions. I found this combination especially effective with clients and therefore offer this unique mix in a bundle of 6 sessions within 6 weeks.
A shamanic session can also be booked as a REMOTE TREATMENT. In that case, we do the preliminary and follow-up talk via phone or Zoom and during the 30-45 minutes of treatment you lie down on your sofa or bed at home while I work remotely.