Hi, I am Jasmin Schott Carvalheiro, Clinical Psychologist, Gestalt & Somatic Therapist and mentor for holistic energy management.
In 2020 I moved from Berlin to the Portuguese seaside. I live here with my husband, our two little boys and our two dogs. I have an outdoor office in Ericeira/Ribamar Portugal where I live most of the year, and also in my former home Berlin, where I see clients every few months.
With therapy, coaching, shamanic healing sessions and mindfulness trainings, I support strong and at the same time sensitive people not to burn out, recover from trauma and crisis and shift from overwhelm and low energy to radiant energy and power.
My professional background includes a university degree in clinical psychology, several years of Gestalt therapy training and multiple Coaching certifications as Business-, Resilience- and Mindfulness-Coach. I work as a therapist since about 15 years and became a Shamanic Healer in several trainings during the last couple of years. Currently I am attending a 3 year training in Somatic Experiencing, a therapy method to support people who experienced trauma. I am based in Ericeira/ Portugal and Berlin/ Germany.
I create a new way of holistic healing suitable for daily life of active, strong and at the same time sensitive people, so that my clients can discover and sustain their unique energy, and influence their surrounding with their positivity and motivation.
As an expert in holistic psychology, I show how science based strategies beautifully connect with ancient healing techniques so that people can heal deeply and become an inspiration for others.
I truly believe that you can turn pain and suffering into peace and beauty. I also truly believe that change is always possible and actually constantly happening if we don`t waste our energy to let change not happen. And I truly believe, that the steps which lead to change not always have to be hard and hurtful but can also be enjoyable and fun!
In my coachings, therapy sessions and workshops I always show up with my full basket of experience: having worked as a consultant for a major German corporation, years of therapy and counselling training from which I pick out for my clients what is most helpful and efficient, not leaving out my experiences as a wife and mother of two beautiful boys living in a foreign country ...
Let`s go on this beautiful journey of creating a life with high energy, passion and purpose together! I very much look forward to speaking with you!
Clinical Psychologist with degree in Berlin, Germany (HU Berlin)
My first university degree I did in Theatre Sciences, Sociology and English in Munich, Germany / Magister Artium (M.A.) (LMU München)
4 year training in Gestalt therapy (IGG Berlin)
7 years training as a Body work therapist, chakra work (Weiterbildung bei Michaela Buckl, Berlin 2012 - 2017)
Training in shamanic energy work with Inadevi Fürstenau-Burgdorf at Shamanic Berlin
2023 - 2025 training in Somatic Experiencing in Lisbon, Portugal
Certified trainer and business trainer (Competence on Top, Berlin)
Certified trainer for mindfulness in organizations (Mindfulness Leadership Institut, Salzburg)
Cerfified resilience trainer (AHAB Akademie)
Certified business trainer (Competence on Top, Berlin)
Certified Coach for teams (Competence on Top, Berlin)
Cerfified Coach for systemic business constellation work (Competence on Top, Berlin)
Several trainings in mindfulness (MBSR, MBCL)
Ambassador of the mindfulness associations in Germany, Austria and Suisse
Meet the Team